c r y s t a l * s

 :keep your eye open:

Last update: August 01, 2000, 05:15 pm Eastern. All items marked withare new or have been modified significantly.
Miss something? Check out Crystal's list of recordings. *Does anyone have tapes of the X-Men cartoons? Crystal missed the first week or two of their recent airing. Contact her if you've got 'em!* Sniktmail is here!
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All times are listed for the Eastern time zone unless otherwise noted.
What When Where Who

-tuesday 01 august 2000-
X-Men (cartoon) 3:30 pm [30 min] WB The X-Men cartoon crew

-wednesday 02 august 2000-
Tonight Show
2:05 am NBC Hugh Jackman
(Lorraine Bracco, Eve 6)
X-Men (cartoon) 3:30 pm [30 min] WB The X-Men cartoon crew

-thursday 03 august 2000-
Tonight Show
2:05 am NBC Halle Berry
(Christopher Titus)
X-Men (cartoon) 3:30 pm [30 min] WB The X-Men cartoon crew

-monday 07 august 2000-
Behind the Scenes
1:30 pm [30 min] E! Patrick Stewart, Halle Berry
X-Men (cartoon) 3:30 pm [30 min] WB The X-Men cartoon crew

-tuesday 08 august 2000-
X-Men (cartoon) 3:30 pm [30 min] WB The X-Men cartoon crew

-wednesday 09 august 2000-
X-Men (cartoon) 3:30 pm [30 min] WB The X-Men cartoon crew


The X-Men aren't mine, [insert copyright yaddaMarvelyadda here], I make no money off of this, et cetera.
Webmistress Crystal can be contacted! Concentrate very hard and she may pick up your telepathic waves...